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June 2023

Burger veganism and greenhouse farming
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 15th 2023

There have been many arguments, both academically and among laypersons, about the impacts of crop agriculture versus animal agriculture. One popular argument against veganism is that more animals have to be harmed to produce fruits and vegetables...

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March 2023

Water shortage caused by dairy and other beverages
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 17th 2023

There are a lot of negative externalities from the dairy industry, not the least of which is the killing and exploitation of animals. But what is often ignored and causes suffering is no access to potable water...

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November 2020

Ocean of trauma
Vegan Society of Canada News, November 3rd 2020

While human animal exploitation in slaughterhouses is horrendous, the suffering and abuse of workers in the global fisheries industry surpasses it...

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September 2020

Slaughterhouses and COVID-19
Vegan Society of Canada News, September 11th 2020

As we do our part by wearing masks and physically distancing, experts and government agencies are trying to contain and control COVID-19, while the cost is spiralling out of control. But it seems we need to be reminded that, most regrettably, we brought this upon ourselves...

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January 2020

Show me the money: Following the money trail of animal agriculture
Vegan Society of Canada News, January 4th 2020

When things in our society do not make sense, it is often helpful to follow the money. In the case of tobacco, lead and asbestos it took decades before the scientific evidence reached the mainstream and countless had to suffer the consequences. The money trail of tobacco, now publicly available in history books, gives us an important piece of the puzzle as to why so many people had to die before things started to change...

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December 2019

Torment and butchery or torment in butchery
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 2nd 2019

The follow up report by Human Rights Watch on the cruelty, torture and exploitation of human animals in slaugtherhouses is out, and unfortunately nothing since their 2005 initial report or the Oxfam 2015 report we covered here has changed. In fact, conditions seem to be much worse...

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February 2019

Strengthening our motivation: Compassion and protecting the health of animal agriculture workers
Vegan Society of Canada News, February 6th 2019

We have anything but great compassion for those who have to work in animal agriculture, more specifically those who do the actual killing for us in slaughterhouses...

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November 2018

Strengthening our motivation: Water shortage
Vegan Society of Canada News, November 12th 2018

In our series aim at strengthening our motivation we wanted to discuss the fresh water crisis, accentuated by climate change and our dependence on animal agriculture...

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October 2018

Dairy farmer aid package
Vegan Society of Canada News, October 2nd 2018

Are you against the dairy concession made in the new NAFTA agreement USMCA? Do you feel like you keep fighting for a smaller and smaller share of the pie amid globally slumping sales...

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May 2018

More than half of all canadians eat vegan meat
Vegan Society of Canada News, May 12th 2018

While we are encouraged that a recent study shows that 53% of Canadians eat meat alternatives we hope to be able to raise the amount of people who are committed to Veganism from 2%. Hopefully new products will make it easier for the 69% of people who prefer meat to make the move. Until then contact us and you local community for support in your lifestyle change.

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April 2018

U.K. supermarket chain to offer 'snowflake chicken' for those afraid to touch raw meat
National Post, April 17th 2018

If one has issues with calling bacon "pig flesh", fuzzy lamb on pork chops label, the use of animal names instead of types of meat, the meat paradox and touching meat we have another solution to try out: Go vegan. It is easier and the symptoms above should disappear shortly after making the change. Join one of our local community in your area or contact us for help on how to get started.

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February 2018

Resolution urges OEHHA to add cancer-causing processed meat to prop 65
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, February 14th 2018

We welcome the proposed resolution to label processed meat as the dangerous level 1 carcinogenic substance that it is. In addition, while we do not have such regulations in Canada we would ask that producers adopt this voluntary labeling measures. Furthermore, we ask that grocers do the ethical thing as well and stop encouraging people to get cancer by advertising processed meat in their flyers. Profits should not come before lives.

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January 2018

Taxing meat could help offset environmental, health problems
CBC News, January 7th 2018

We strongly support the polluter pays principle that is so prevalent in the rest of our society. There are no reasons that the whole of society should bear the cost of harmful behavior like pollution, climate change, alcohol, tobacco, animal agriculture and others so that corporations can have disproportionate profit because our rules and regulations are outdated and do not properly hold responsible those who create negative externalities.

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