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Thank you: An overview of our work in 2019 and a look at 2020
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 27th 2019

With the end of the year approaching, it is a good time to thank all our donors and volunteers for their continued support and provide an update of our activities in 2019 as well as a forecast for 2020...

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Torment and butchery or torment in butchery
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 2nd 2019

The follow up report by Human Rights Watch on the cruelty, torture and exploitation of human animals in slaugtherhouses is out, and unfortunately nothing since their 2005 initial report or the Oxfam 2015 report we covered here has changed. In fact, conditions seem to be much worse...

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Another romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak
Vegan Society of Canada News, November 23rd 2019

Unfortunately, it seems animal agriculture once again cross-contaminated some romaine lettuce. The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that people avoid any romaine lettuce harvested from the Salinas, California growing region in the U.S...

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Ocean rising: Special report on the ocean and cryosphere
Vegan Society of Canada News, November 15th 2019

The new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on the ocean and cryosphere is out and not surprisingly confirms that we are selfishly destroying our oceans and all its inhabitants. The oceans have already done much for us to protect us from our own selfishness...

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Broad recall of Compliments brand fresh-cut vegetables
Vegan Society of Canada News, November 3rd 2019

We wanted to warn the Canadian public of a broad recall by the CFIA of Compliments brand fresh-cut vegetable products due to possible Listeria monocytogenes...

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Discussion of vegan labelling
Vegan Society of Canada News, October 21st 2019

We have discussed before the issues with the word vegan being used on products that are not vegan certified. Today we will not cover why having independent third-party certification is a good idea as this is the same reasoning that all Canadians have already accepted with regards to organic, kosher, halal and many other non food certifications in Canadian society...

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Got misery?
Vegan Society of Canada News, October 6th 2019

As we have discussed before, the people working in slaughterhouses, who kill the animals that eventually land on our plates, go to work each day doing a job that most of us would never do. Nevertheless, we are schedule to import this misery starting in early 2020...

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Climate Emergency: What Are Canadians Willing to Do About It?
Vegan Society of Canada News, September 15th 2019

The results of this new survey published by the CBC should be of grave concern. On the one hand it’s a good sign that Canadians do not seem to have a bias against giving up meat. On the other hand, the reason we do not have a bias against giving up meat in particular is simply because we seem to be disinclined to do anything at all...

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Launch of the Vegan World Alliance (VWA)
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 26th 2019

After many months of work we are glad to publicly announce the Vegan World Alliance. As a way to be a unified voice for the unheard, the following organizations have joined to form the Vegan World Alliance...

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A review of the scientific evidence on the health risks of dairy products
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 3rd 2019

When the new Canadian food guide made water their beverage of choice, we were glad that scientific evidence and common sense prevailed over profit and disease. Let’s review the current scientific evidence with regard to the health risks of dairy...

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More vegan labelled product containing dairy recalled by CFIA
Vegan Society of Canada News, July 19th 2019

Once again we wanted to warn vegans, and the Canadian public at large, of a series of products labelled vegan under the Probar and Chocolats Favoris brand containing milk...

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The verdict on tackling our climate emergency in 2018: We failed
Vegan Society of Canada News, July 13th 2019

We know we are in trouble when a major fossil fuel corporation tell us we have grounds to be concerned. While 2018 saw many promesses of the climate emergency being taken seriously, unfortunately it turns it these were just empty words...

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A plant diet increases many biomarkers indicative of good health
Vegan Society of Canada News, July 6th 2019

There are a barrage of research being published constantly and much of it has various problems from simply being early research that needs broader validation to having some strong conflict of interest. Today we will go over one of those papers that shows some promise but that we would normally skip...

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Warning of food labelled as "plant-based" that contains animal-based ingredients like meat, eggs or dairy
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 30th 2019

We are continuing to work with the CFIA to fix their errors with regards to their definition of vegan labelling and will update you as soon as possible. For the time being we wanted to further issue a warning concerning practices of labelling food...

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Unexpected methane rising
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 27th 2019

We have no safety margin in the Paris climate agreement target, so when researchers published a paper a few months ago highlighting the unexpected rise of methane this could well be the push that make this whole house of card tumble...

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Biodiversity loss: Nature’s dangerous decline unprecedented
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 12th 2019

A new report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) on the unprecented decline of nature globally was recently published and we spent some time going through it...

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Objective profit: How to save 1.2 trillion USD
Vegan Society of Canada News, May 18th 2019

Today we're going to look at a very important part of motivation: Profit. We could discuss how profit is not the best motivation to have and we could even discuss why having legal entities whose sole purpose is to maximize profit was not one of our brightest idea and is probably one of the cause we are where we are today. Nevertheless, it would be foolish to ignore that for many entities profit is the driving motivation...

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Government of Canada tries to redefine what food are suitable for vegans
Vegan Society of Canada News, May 15th 2019

We noticed in the last year an influx of businesses being confused about the word vegan, contacting us having trouble with overseas customs and requiring urgent certification, and an increase of Canadian products being labeled vegan that are not suitable for vegans and not vegan certifiable. We were puzzled as to why this was happening until we became aware of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) information...

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Canada's changing climate report
Vegan Society of Canada News, April 4th 2019

According to a new climate change report published by the Government of Canada the Canadian story is more catastrophic then the global one as we are warming up at double the global rate...

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Just the facts: Sponsorship program
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 26th 2019

We have various sponsorship levels and associated benefits depending on your preference. Types of benefits you will receive by sponsoring us may include mentions in various material like public speech, presentation, web site, festivals, etc...

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Just the facts: Ambassador program
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 26th 2019

If you or your organisation would like to participate in furthering our mission and would like to inspire others, we would be happy to have you as our ambassador...

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Review of the new Health Canada food guide
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 5th 2019

After doing some more extensive research, our initial conclusion on the new Canadian food guide is largely unchanged.

However, while crunching numbers, we came upon some interesting results with regards to similarities between the new Canadian food guide and the EAT-Lancet planetary health diet...

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Strengthening our motivation: Compassion and protecting the health of animal agriculture workers
Vegan Society of Canada News, February 6th 2019

We have anything but great compassion for those who have to work in animal agriculture, more specifically those who do the actual killing for us in slaughterhouses...

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The new Health Canada food guide
Vegan Society of Canada News, January 23rd 2019

After years of reviewing all the scientific evidences, Health Canada released their new food guide. We will have more extensive coverage in the weeks to come but for now we will like to share major changes that are in the new guide. One of such change is that Health Canada recommends our plates be proportionally filled with at least 88% of plant-based foods.

In addition, to make sure nobody ignore the science and is tempted to get stuck in the past Health Canada makes it clear: The drink of choice is water...

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EAT-Lancet report: A discussion of the shift to a plant-based world
Vegan Society of Canada News, January 19th 2019

The new 'planetary health diet' released by the EAT-Lancet commission is in many ways similar to the previously released Greenpeace’s report, in this article will explore the many implications...

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Is 2019 the year of lab-grown meat?
Vegan Society of Canada News, January 5th 2019

There has been tremendous progress in lab-grown meat and the beginning of the end seem to be coming for conventional animal agriculture...

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