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Eating Fear: The cortisol connection in animal consumption
Vegan Society of Canada News, July 19th 2024

There’s a lot of ground to cover to investigate the various detrimental effects to humans from eating meat due to the fear those animals experience in slaughterhouses, but as is often the case, there is still much we don’t know. Fear itself is hard to measure, so to quantify fear in animals perhaps the best proxy is cortisol...

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Prostate cancer update
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 20th 2024

Scientifically, it is now clear that animal agriculture has various negative impacts on our health and society at large. However, just like a variety of predominantly lifestyle diseases like lung cancer and diabetes, it continues to afflict us despite the large body of scientific evidence...

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After years of appeals we finally succeeded
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 5th 2024

We’re delighted to announce that after several years of efforts by many dedicated individuals, our latest appeal for our charitable status was successful! As of April 19, 2024, Vegan Society Canada is now officially recognized as a charitable organization...

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Vegan Society of Canada News, April 19th 2024

There are various reasons to leave the typical North American diet behind, from health to the environment and ethics. However, today we will touch on decolonization, a motivation we don’t often hear about in Canada, the US and most of the G-20. But for some people, decolonization can be a major factor in the adoption of veganism or a change of diet...

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More compassion needed
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 21st 2024

We once thought that lofty promises of change seemed theoretically possible by 2030, but since that’s only six years away, let’s look at how we are doing. The latest IEA report for 2023 shows that, instead of reducing emissions, we once again increased overall emissions by 1.1% with most of the increase coming from China...

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We have updated our FAQ on human animal rights and veganism
Vegan Society of Canada News, February 23rd 2024

We have updated our FAQ on human animal rights and veganism with new information on legal development and recommendation.

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We have updated our article on the misleading calcium recommendations
Vegan Society of Canada News, January 23rd 2024

We have updated our article on the misleading calcium recommendations with new information on cardiovascular health research and downloadable infographics.

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