Call for volunteers

Call for volunteers

Vegan Society of Canada News
December 23rd 2020

As a charitable organization, we exist thanks to the generosity of others. This year has been a challenging one for all animals for various reasons, and while we expect challenges to continue, we look forward to the many ways and opportunities to benefit all animals in the coming years.

If you’re someone who shares our vision, please consider joining us as a volunteer as we move forward to achieve our vision.

Here’s a heart-warming story of a future dedicated volunteer who is making a difference now, in spite of his young age.

Lorcan, our youngest supporter, spoke up for all animals by offering free vegan treats in his neighbourhood on World Vegan Day. We are deeply touched by Lorcan’s generosity, and we await his active involvement in helping us achieve our vision.

But, as we move forward with our work and tackle the inevitable challenges, we are in need of more people now. There is a place for you if you want to help. Have a look at the list of roles we are hoping to fill, but don’t be discouraged if you don’t immediately see a role that’s a fit for you. We will work with you to ensure your involvement with the Vegan Society of Canada is a rewarding one for you.

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